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Stories from volunteers

This is an e-mail from one of our community leaders in Wilmington, Mary Gant. It's a simple story, but it embodies some of the community-building ShareFest is all about. If you have any stories, big or small, simple or complex, please comment here or send us an e-mail at info@sharefestinc.org and we'll post it for you.

I thought you all might like to hear a story that happend at Banning HS in Wilmington. One of the projects was to mulch the garden and planter areas.

Well, my daughter, who teachers at Banning, stated that a semi-truck delivered a large load of mulch in the middle of the parking lot; the pile was at least 6 feet high.  All day Banning HS students were shoveling mulch. This project was taken on by the Ecology club.  All day they were shoveling and barely making a dent.

My daughter stated that the Ecology Club and football team don't usually associate with each other.  However, as the day progressed and the mulch pile still seemed as large as ever, a football player climbed to the top and started shoveling along side the ecology student; they shook hands, introduced themselves and bagan shoveling until the mountain of mulch was no more. These two students would probably never ever be seen in the same circles, but, for one day, each of them had a common goal, and together they accomplished what seem like an impossible mission.

My daughter said, 'It was a incidible moment, one she will cherish.'

I thought each of would appreciate this story.  THIS IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT.

—Mary Gant

What did you see on Saturday?

A small truckload of the mountain of mulch A small truckload of the mountain of mulch

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Reader Comments (1)

Hola, mi nombre es Teresa Lara , trabajo para Volunteers Of America
servir como voluntaria mi comunidad fue un dia muy pregresivo mirar tantos jovenes y tanta gente haciendo lo mismo , Gracias a la comunidad por todo.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTeresa Lara

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