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Connecting with neighborhoods through laundry

Wilmington residents line up outside a Laundry Love project. Wilmington residents line up outside a Laundry Love project.

This year ShareFest partnered with Wilmington Community Organization and participated in a new type of project. It wasn't about revamping, refurbishing, rebuilding or beautifying. This project was specifically about connecting with people in the communities we're serving.

At four laundromats throughout Wilmington, volunteers from churches like New Hope South Bay and charities like Just One put quarters in washing machines and provided soap for residents who showed up to do their laundry.

Just One started this type of project years ago and has consistently hosted it at laundromats in other areas for three years. They call it Laundry Love.

"This is just a small way of touching the community but to uncover some of the deeper needs. That's what the whole purpose of Laundry Love is. We wash clothes but build relationship with community to find out what they need," Derrick Engoy, who ran one of the projects, said.

Just One's concept is to have a consistent time and place where volunteers and the people they serve start to get to know one another.

It made a perfect partnership because this idea mirrors ShareFest's goal of relating to communities and tailoring specific solutions to needs.

After the project was completed Saturday, each location will be assessed, and leaders from Wilmington, Just One and ShareFest will decide whether they want to continue this project and at which laundromat.

"It's about building relationships,"Engoy said.

Reader Comments (3)

Cudo's to Wilmington Community Organization for putting together 300 soap packets with soap, dryer sheets for this event. 100 of the packets included $1.25 in change which was collected by donating spare changes at community meetings. Also much Thanks to United Way Success by Six for helping sponsor the program.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMary

No doubt Mary...this wouldn't have been possibly without the leadership of the Wilmington Community Organization and the generous sponsorship of United Way! Thanks so much for leading the charge!

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercharlestlee

Here, here and a cheers to all who made this particular project possible. I echo Charles Lee's comment, Mary, way to make this happen. We were happy to serve where needed.

May 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDerrick Engoy

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