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Imprint stories

We've been getting dozens of e-mails from people expressing thanks for the Workday and even more talking about how gratified people felt by serving their community for a day.

We're going to post as many as we can, but here's one from Victory who worked at Hickory Elementary in Torrance with her daughter. She not only got to serve a school she has a personal connection with, she got to see some of the result. It's well worth a read.
This year, we had the privilege of working at my daughter’s school – she is a kindergartener at Hickory Elementary in Torrance.

Because the investment this year felt more “personal” – it really made it a special time.  This is our fifth year being involved in the Workday.  Each year has its own special flare, but this year may have topped the charts.  We had a team of about 45 people – painting, doing fence repair, building shelving, washing windows, etc.  My daughter spent the whole day with us – 8 hours (though she did do her fair share of playing too, a bonus to being at her school!). She helped paint, wash windows, pick up trash.  I feel like it gave her a greater sense of pride in her school.  Also, in my role as project manager, she asked me a couple times “Mommy, are you the boss today?”  I hope that this is a way that she can see my support and love for her school.

We feel like our family is called to putting our children through public school, so as we see it, with younger siblings – we’ve got another 10 years at this school.  I love the fact that she could go to school on Monday, excited about the work she was able to do for her school.  I know that there were areas/schools that may be more IN NEED, in terms of finances and stuff, but I really like the opportunity to serve our school in this way – and the fact that many of the teachers know that it is because of our relationship with Christ that we desire to serve our community.  Besides all of this, with my parents helping as well, my daughter gets to work along side her grandparents, and see their love and support of her school as well.

We've heard that the teachers are very happy, and on Monday when I was dropping her off in the morning, little groups were formed around the murals. Loved it.  Her principal even came into her classroom on Monday morning and told her classmates that they had a special painter in their room, and had everyone say "thank you!"  My daughter felt like a million bucks!!!


Don't forget to take a look at other stories and thank-yous that have been posted on the blog here. Add your own by posting a comment or e-mailing us at info@sharefestinc.org.

Hard at work on a mural at Hickory that says "citizenship" Hard at work on a mural at Hickory that says "citizenship"

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