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Change through partnerships

Over the years working with ShareFest, churches often form bonds with the communities they serve. ShareFest is a conduit for communities to connect and create change together.

One example of this is King's Harbor Church and Bert Lynn Middle School. For two years the church, school and ShareFest have worked together, and the effects on the middle school are evident.

Take a look at the letter below to see how much has been accomplished.
Dear Sharefest Staff:

Bert Lynn would like to thank Sharefest and the King’s Harbor Church for another successful Sharefest Day. We appreciate all the work completed as this day made a significant difference to our school.

The school entrance looks awesome with the removal of the caged fence and repainting of the walls. The decorative wood slats aesthetically looks 100x better and brings in a lot more light to the corridor entrance. This day also included sanding and painting of all the classroom doors, and lunch benches. All this work would not have been possible without Sharefest and the church’s adoption of our school.

I want to especially acknowledge Mr. JR McDonald, the coordinator for all his time and dedication. He helped organize the event and did all the prep work, which made for a successful day. Thank you again for organizing this event, matching us up with a charitable group, the funds to complete some of the projects, and the donated supplies. This event has made Bert Lynn a cleaner and more beautiful place for students to attend.

Enclosed is our school newsletter with a short article about the work that has been completed over the past two-years of Sharefest work performed by the King’s Harbor Church, showing the before/after picture of the entrance to our school. Thank you again for the continued valuable work your agency does for schools and nonprofits throughout the South Bay.


LeRoy Jackson                                             Jayne Okazaki

Principal                                                        Assistant Principal

The chain link behind these to signs was replaced with wood shading. The chain link behind these to signs was replaced with wood shading.

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