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Still getting Workday stories

Check out another article about ShareFest and how much of an impact volunteers have had on Redondo Beach schools, especially during the state budget problems.

As the school year ends, Redondo Beach’s schools look better than they did in September, despite the daunting budget challenges faced by almost all districts in California.

Student and community volunteers spent May 2 working on much-needed beautification projects at five Redondo Beach Unified School District sites. At Parras and Adams middle schools, as well as Alta Vista, Tulita and Jefferson elementary schools, campuses were cleaned, trees and flowers were planted, picnic tables were built and old ones refinished, and murals were painted on classroom doors and on the sides of buildings to lift the students’ school spirit. Volunteers even built a retaining wall at Parras.

Check out the rest of the article here.

If you've seen ShareFest in the press or want to share your personal stories, please, leave us a comment.

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