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YDA Session One, Day One

For two of the four weeks in the Youth Development Academy, ShareFest counselors work with the first half of the students to sharpen their dreams and learn they are leaders — but first they have to meet each other.

Today, half the students at the academy broke the ice with theater arts exercises, whether it was rooting themselves to the ground as a tree

or mirroring a partner's actions:


or trusting other members in their groups by falling into their arms:

Trust exercises

This gave these kids from different races, neighborhoods and communities a new common experience to bond around.

"It was kinda weird at first, but I did throw some of my trust into them," 13-year-old Khalon said. "I really think I could actually trust them if I had to."

One of ShareFest's goals is building relationships in communities, and this community of young leaders is no different.

"It instills team-building. It instills trust in their piers. It allows everyone to be comfortable," Anwar Shariff, the theater arts instructor, said. "It's wonderful to see kids break out of their shells and foster relationships through these exercises."

And then it was time for skits:

baseball skit

Check back tomorrow and see the potiential in these middle- and high-schoolers develop throughout July.

Reader Comments (2)

Good work, Khalon!

July 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCheryl Wilkes

Looks like things are off to a great start!

July 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercharlestlee

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