Entries in Frank Leon (1)


Make it Possible. State Farm Representative Frank Leon

State Farm Agent Frank Leon and his staff showed up at Avalon Continuation High School this week with arm loads of pizza and big smiles on their faces as they prepared to give their Make it Possible presentation. Make it Possible is a program that brings its name to life. Through this unique program, State Farm® Bank and local State Farm agents are making it possible for people realize their dreams.

They host workshops on a number of topics:  One topic is adequately titled “A Slice of L.I.F.E.™”. L.I.F.E. stands for Lessons In Financial Education. The icon of the pizza is a way to engage young adults and educate them on the different “slices” of financial subjects that can help them create a successful financial life. Frank’s presentation covered topics from budgeting, making financial goals, looking out for credit traps, the importance of credit, and investing for the future. Students were excited to learn about banking and the possibilities for how it can positively affect their future. They all received small red piggy banks as encouragement to save and invest in their futures. The message behind the banks was

Start Simple – Start saving as young as you can, with whatever you can, even if you are simply setting aside pocket change. – Just do it.

The second aspect of Frank’s presentation “Your First Car” helped students navigate the process of purchasing their first car beginning with finding the right car and ending with, how to finance it.

This was Frank’s second visit as a presenter to Avalon. On his first visit, he came as a guest speaker and encouraged the student’s to find a mission, cause, or goal in life that they were so passionate about, they’d be willing to die for it.  He used personal stories to add a comedic emphasis to his messages. He encouraged all students to look for the opportunities around them to finish High School and to go to college. He stressed the importance of education, goal setting, hard work and family. These were the pillars upon which Frank has built his life and through bumps in the road as a youth, marriage, children and a life altering surgery, Frank definitely considers himself a success and a role model for those who are looking for a way to succeed.

Sharefest and the faculty at Avalon Continuation High School are extremely grateful for State Farm’s commitment to educating today’s youth to be tomorrow’s leaders. Agents like Frank Leon are shining examples to our young adults that not only can they be successful, because they have now been given the tools, it is expected of them.  This was a very unique opportunity for a high school, a non-profit organization and a business with a local presence to collaborate for the benefit of educating and empowering young people and Sharefest is grateful for each entity’s investment.