Entries in quilt (1)


Doors of Hope // how the impact of the 2011 workday continues to touch lives

When Barb Nannini, from Doors of Hope Women’s Shelter in 20 beds are ready to welcome women in needWilmington visited the women's Bible study groups at Oceanside Christian Fellowship in 2009, she shared the vision for a new shelter for single women who were falling through the cracks.  It was then that Cheryl O’Donnell felt a stirring in her heart to do something for the shelter.  The timing wasn’t right that year but she began to dream of a quilting project that would be birthed two years later.

During the 2011 Workday, Cheryl provided a place for those who wanted to participate in the Workday but not able to handle physical work. All the pieces began to fall into place, and the project was born. On that Saturday in May, over 30 people began a project that continued through several workdays.  Eventually, Cheryl and her team of faithful volunteers had sewn together 20 quilts for the shelter's 20 beds in time for the Grand Opening in September.  

Volunteers at the 2011 Workday In Cheryl’s own words:

“The name of the quilt pattern is Warm Embrace; we prayed together throughout the completion of the quilts for the women who would sleep under them.  A project like this blesses participants in so many ways. Reaching out and finding out more about local people in need, praying for those people, physically contributing, working in community, accomplishing something beautiful...all this and more under God's guidance.”

Doors of Hope Women’s Shelter ministers the love and grace of Jesus Christ to homeless women in the South Bay by providing a safe and nurturing environment where they can receive food, clothing, temporary shelter and spiritual encouragement in their present life circumstances.  Doors of Hope provides temporary shelter, daily meals and showers, clean clothing, counseling and spiritual guidance.  For more information, to volunteer or make a donation, contact 310-518-DOOR (3667). 

If you are interested in being involved in our upcoming 9th Annual Workday on April 28th, 2012, please use the buttons below: