SUBMITTING a project?

ADOPTING a project?

VOLUNTEERING at a project?

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Below are directions on how to use our online application to submit a Workday project, and also a list of the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). These FAQs are particularly useful for the project submission process. If you have any further questions, please email usClick here or on the image above to get started. The application will take approximately 10 minutes to complete, depending on how many tasks are required for your project.



STEP 1 - Register Yourself/Your Information Create a personal login using your first and last name and email address. Additional information required includes t-shirt size, age range, and password. Click on “Register” once you fill in the required information.

STEP 2 - Your Organization Next, please register your organization with Sharefest by providing us with the organization type (business, city, non-profit, school, etc.), name, contact information, and description. Click on “Proceed to Next Step” once you fill in the required information.

STEP 3 - Your Project Now it’s time to create your project. Please provide your project's name, a brief overview of your project's goal, and the needs your project will address. You will also need to provide your project's location (and location owner, if applicable). An example of the location owner would be the school district you belong to if your project is at a school site. Inputting your location description is also helpful for the volunteer organization considering the adoption of your project. Please be sure to indicate how meaningful it is for your project to be adopted by a Sharefest Volunteer Organization. Click on "Proceed to Step 4” once you fill in the required information.

STEP 4 - Your Project Activities - This is where you outline the scope of your project. Project activities are tasks within your project. Many volunteer organizations like to see your overall project broken into many pieces. Note: There is no guarantee your project will be adopted; it is possible only some of your project activities are adopted. There may also be more than one Volunteer Organization completing your project.

You can add special instructions and materials needed for each project activity in the description section. Once you have added all your Project Activities, click on "Proceed to Step 5."

STEP 5 - Collaborate with Sharefest - Thank you for submitting a Workday project to Sharefest! In addition to fundraising for your Workday project, we ask all potential Workday recipients to commit to at least two of the items below. Your support enables Sharefest to continue our mission to create communities of care.

  • Reach out to local community businesses to sponsor your project. Also request they display and hang Workday posters at their site (Sharefest will provide you with Sponsorship materials.)
  • Purchase a table of (10) seats for the Sharefest Gala held in November ($2,000)
  • Sponsor (1) underserved student to attend the Summer Youth Development Academy ($500)
  • Solicit funding from your PTA for your Workday project (only applicable for school recipients)
  • Share you collaboration ideas with us about this project.

STEP 6 - Submit to Sharefest - (NOTE: You must check two boxes before you can see the "Submit" button. Once it appears, please click on it to complete the project submission process.) Congratulations, you have successfully submitted your project to Sharefest! Unfortunately, not every project gets adopted by a partnering Sharefest Volunteer Organization. If your project IS adopted, you will be notified either by email or a phone call from a Project Manager. Should you have any questions or want additional information, please contact us at

You'll notice a Project Menu on the right hand side of the screen where you can invite other Team Leaders, see a list of volunteers that sign up for this project once it is adopted, add volunteers that you recruit, and more.



Q: I submitted a project. What happens next?

A: Below is a process timeline for the 15th Annual Workday on Saturday, April 28, 2018.

  • December 18, 2017 – February 11, 2018: Recipient Organizations (schools, cities, non-profits) submit applications for potential Workday projects using our online system. 
  • February 3: Kick-off meeting for Volunteer Organizations (businesses, non-profits, churches).
  • February 12 – March 25: Volunteer Organizations adopt projects.
  • March: Project Managers from Volunteer Organizations notify parties whose project(s) have been adopted to discuss the project scope.
  • March – April: Project Management Training.
  • March 26: Volunteer Registration opens.
  • April 28: 15th Annual Sharefest Workday.

Q: If I registered a project last year and it didn't get adopted, do I have to re-register it?

A: Yes, or email us and we can transfer it for you. 

Q: If I registered as a user with your online system last year, do I need to re-register?

A: Yes. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Q: Who pays for the materials and other costs associated with the Workday?

A: Sharefest encourages the Recipient Organization and the Adopting Organization to collaboratively self-fund these projects. If your organization has funds available, please indicate this in Step 3 of the online application in the “Project Goal” section. Sharefest also has unique ways to raise money for projects so please email us at to learn more.

Q: What happens if my project doesn't get adopted?

A: We will do our best to get your project adopted for our Annual Workday. Sometimes Volunteer Organizations desire to take on projects outside of our Annual Workday and often times, projects that don't get adopted during our Workday get completed at another time. Again, if you have any further questions, please email us.

Q: Can I Adopt the project I submitted?

A: Yes! You may submit your own project and adopt it with your internal team. You fund it, manage the site, and recruit volunteers within your organization to participate. We provide Project Management Training. Please email us with any questions.





Below are directions on how to use our online application to adopt a Workday project, and also a list of the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). These FAQs are particularly useful for the project adoption process. If you have any further questions, please email us.



STEP 1 - List of Available Projects - Review the list of Workday Projects available for adoption. Click on the Project Name to view the Project Activities available for selection.

STEP 2 - Project Activities - Review the Project and select the Project Activities your Organization would like to Adopt.

STEP 3 - Register Yourself - Create a personal login using your first and last name and email address. Additional information required includes t-shirt size, age range, and password. Click on “Register” once you fill in the required information.

STEP 4 - Register Your Organization - Please register your organization with Sharefest by providing us with your organization type (business, city, non-profit, school, etc.), name, contact information, and description. Click on “Proceed to Next Step” once you fill in the required information.

STEP 5 - Adopt Project Activities - Please select or confirm the Project Activities you are adopting from the selected Project. You can select one or more of the Activities listed. Please note that any Activities you do not adopt can be adopted by another organization.

STEP 6 - Collaborate with Sharefest - Thank you for partnering with Sharefest! While Sharefest cannot financially sponsor every project, we do offer several fundraising options for your organization. In order to proceed to Step 7 and adopt this project, please select at least two ways your organization can help out. To relieve some of the pressure, we have also asked both recipient and adopting organizations to lead their own fundraising efforts. By working together, we believe that enough funding will come in to support this project. Thank you for giving back to our community!

  • Reach out to local community business to sponsor your project. Sharefest will provide you with Sponsorship materials. This is required of all Adopting Organizations.
  • We are able to self-fund this Workday Project
  • We are able to partially fund this Workday Project
  • Share your collaboration ideas with us about this Project

STEP 7 - Submit to Sharefest - Congratulations, you have successfully adopted your project with Sharefest! Now that you have adopted a project, please spend time reviewing the Guide to Project Management and other documents available in the Resource Library and begin preparing for your project. We will have a series of Project Manager Meetings at the Sharefest Office in preparation of the Workday; the dates can be found in the General Calendar and reminder emails will be sent out closer to the meetings with more details. Should you have any questions or want additional information, please contact us at



Q: How can my organization participate in the Workday?

A: There are several ways your organization can participate:

  • ADOPT A PROJECT. Adopt an existing project. You fund it, manage the site, and recruit volunteers within your organization to participate. We provide Project Management Training.
  • PARTIALLY ADOPT A PROJECT. Two or more organizations adopt various Project Activities within the same Project Site. We can provide Project Management training and may also be able to connect you to an organization that will complement your efforts (i.e. management, volunteers, funding). 
  • VOLUNTEER YOUR ORGANIZATION. Identify one project for all of your members/employees to participate in – and have your members/employees sign up through our online system for the same site/project.
  • ENCOURAGE PARTICIPATION. Encourage your members/employees to participate in our Workday. Employees choose which site they want to go to (the project will be adopted by another organization).
  • FUND A PROJECT. Your organization can decide to partially or completely fund a Workday project. Sharefest can help you chose a project that meets your interest and budget. Contact us at for more information, or browse our different sponsorship levels.
  • SELF-ADOPT A PROJECT. Submit your own project and take it on with your internal team. You fund it, manage the site, and recruit volunteers within your organization to participate. We provide Project Management Training.

Q: Do we have to adopt one of the projects already in the system or can we partner with any recipient in need?

A: You may partner with any recipient organization. However, the recipient does need to register their project using the Sharefest Online Application so you can adopt it. Projects can be submitted here.

Q: Who pays for the materials and other costs associated with the Workday?

A: Sharefest encourages the Adopting Organization and the Recipient Organization to collaboratively fund the Workday. In many instances, the recipients already have materials available and are simply looking for strong leadership and volunteers to make it happen. Sharefest also has suggestions to raise money for projects. You can email us at to learn more.

Q: Does Sharefest have any sort of guides and/or templates already available or do I need to create them myself?

A: Yes. After you register using the online application, you will have access to the Resource Library that has the materials you need to get organized. 

Q: Does Sharefest negotiate any discounts for materials with any vendors?

A: Yes. Sharefest diligently pursues partnerships with a variety of vendors to provide special deals for the Workday. The Vendor Discount document in the online application Resource Library provides details about available offers. 

Q: Are there any fees for our organization to run a workday?

A: Yes and No. We ask every Sharefest partner to help support the Workday according to the ability of their organization. A suggested contribution for a church would be $2 for each person in your weekend service attendance. A suggested contribution for a NPO or business would be $2 per person that will be volunteering on the Workday. These contributions help us offset the overall cost of the Workday.






Below are directions on how to use our online application to volunteer, and also a list of the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). These FAQs are particularly useful for the registration process. If you have any further questions, please email us.



STEP 1 - List of Available Projects - Review the list of Workday Projects that have been adopted. Click on the Project Name to view the Project details.

STEP 2 - Review - Review the Project and proceed to Step 3 if you would like to register to volunteer at this Project.

STEP 3 - Register Yourself - Create a personal login using your first and last name and email address. Additional information required includes t-shirt size, age range, and password. Click on “Register” after you fill in the required information.

STEP 4 - Volunteer for the Project - Please provide any applicable contact information and your availability schedule. You may also register additional volunteers at this time (friends/family etc.).  

STEP 5 - Collaborate with Sharefest - Thank you for volunteering with Sharefest! Please consider making a $10 donation to help us offset the cost (paint, plants, t-shirts, food, insurance etc.) associated with organizing our Annual Workday. You can donate online with a credit card or mail a check. You can also collaborate with Sharefest by inviting others to volunteer or by sharing our page via Facebook, Twitter, or our Website. Be sure to click the “Complete Signup” button at the bottom of Step 5 to complete the registration process.  

Congratulations. You will receive a pop up screen and a confirmation email verifying we have received your registration. If you have any questions, you may email the Project Manager or our office at



Q: Do I need to register online to volunteer for the Workday?

A: Yes. Once our registration application is online, you will be asked to: register yourself and select your available hours. This helps us track volunteer numbers and helps our Project Managers better manage project sites.

Q: Can I register a group of volunteers?

A: Yes, you can register a group of volunteers on our online volunteer system.

Q: Where is the Workday located?

A: The Workday consists of multiple project sites located primarily throughout the Los Angeles South Bay and Harbor areas. When you register for the Workday through Sharefest’s online volunteer system you will choose one of the many activities. Once you select and signup for a specific project you will find out more in the project details and the Project Manager will contact you with further information.

Q: How can I contribute to the Workday?

A: While you are preparing for the Workday we hope that you would consider contributing towards the Workday in these ways:

  • COLLABORATE WITH SHAREFEST AND HELP US DO MORE - Thank you for volunteering with Sharefest! It is only through your efforts we are able to give back to our community. In order to offset some of Sharefest’s costs, we ask every volunteer to donate $10 towards our Workday. These funds help us do more in the community and offset the various costs (t-shirts, lunches, supplies, etc.). If you are unable to donate, please know that we are very grateful for the time you are able to give. If you are able to donate more than $10, we would love that as well! Thank you!
  • INVITE OTHERS – Invite your family, friends, and co-workers to volunteer at the Workday to bring lasting, positive change to our communities.
  • SHARE OUR PAGE - Spread the word! Share our Facebook, InstagramTwitter, or Workday pages.


