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Serving your school


This is an e-mail from Suzie, a volunteer who worked at Taper Avenue Elementary School at this years Workday. She is one of the many volunteers who got to impact an organization or neighborhood right where she lives.

Immediately, her son saw how important of a contribution they were making at his school. Take a quick read.
This year’s ShareFest Workday took on a special sense of necessity as the recent economic crisis and statewide cutbacks have cast a dark and heavy cloud over our public schools. Our school, Taper Avenue Elementary, continues to work very hard at working with parents and students to better the community by producing students who are well rounded academically, creatively and socially. The faculty, staff and administration give every ounce of their energy to these students and for that we are so grateful that to give back, just one day, to the improvement of our school seems like a small thing.

Our kids got more involved this year in helping place letter templates for us to paint on the playground, by picking up trash and washing paint brushes. Our oldest son, who is in the second grade, took a special sense of pride, being that it’s his third year doing ShareFest at his school. Jason’s excitement to go to school the following Monday to see the reaction of his friends and teacher were all indications that he knew he was a part of something special.

Our schools, our neighborhoods and the American family need now more than ever to rally around one another to bring a positive, hopeful, spirit of grace and joy to our communities, and ShareFest provides an entryway for that message.

Workday sign Taper was one of 255 projects.

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