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Award roundup

If there's an award season for nonprofits, ShareFest is in the middle of it right now.

• We got recognition from a nationwide body with a Certificate of Congressional Commendation from the U.S. House of Representatives that Congresswoman Jane Harman awarded to us on May 17. 

• We received two statewide accolade with a Certificate of Recognition from the California Legislature Assembly  from the 55th Assembly District on June 3 and a Certificate of Recognition from the State of California Senate from Jenny Oropeza, Senator, 28th District, on June 3.

• We were given a citywide award with a Certificate of Recognition from the City of Los Angeles from Janice Hahn Councilwoman, 15th District and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa in June.

Among all these awards there's another kind that is especially close to our heart. When the local communities we serve recognize ShareFest for the work it has done, it validates our efforts to make an impact on these areas. They know better than anyone else the affect projects like our Workday and Youth Development Academy have, so an award from a city council, chamber of commerce or any other local organization means as much to us as any national award we could get.

On that note:

• The Wilmington Coordinating Council awarded ShareFest with the Non-Profit Organization of the year award on Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at the Bannings Landing Community Center.

Thank you to these wonderful organizations and to all the volunteers who make what we do possible.

2008 award ShareFest's managing directors receive an award from Mayor Villaraigosa during the 2008 Workday.


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