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Looking to Make a Difference? Oceanside Christian Fellowship and Billy Mitchell Elementary

Eight more days. That's when thousands of volunteers are mobilized to numerous beautification projects throughout the South Bay and Harbor areas and beyond. Don't miss out on your opportunity to join us for our 8th Annual Workday on Saturday, May 14th. Here is one of the many projects that could use your caring energy.

Billy Mitchell Elementary School (Lawndale) needs our help. Our California schools, including Billy Mitchell Elementary, have been forced to cutback on a variety of basic needs due to the economic down turn in our state. Such unfortunate cutbacks have brought about reduced staff and maintenance hours, limited school supplies, and shortened library time. Principal Steve McCray remarks on how a partnership with Sharefest can make a difference in the lives of his students and the community:

Billy Mitchell Elementary School depends on the kindness of organizations such as Sharefest and others in our community to lend a hand in keeping our school operating at optimum level. Community volunteers not only provide an invaluable service to our school, children, staff and parents, but it beautifully illustrates to our students most of all, how important it is to make time to help others in tangible ways.

Oceanside Christian Fellowship, a long-time partner of Sharefest, is taking the lead by adopting this project – along with several other Workday projects. We are thankful for their tireless commitment to serving our communities!

Oceanside could use your help in freshening the look and spirit of Billy Mitchell Elementary School. The school is need of exterior painting, general landscaping, and murals. Here is your opportunity. Register for this project or one of our many others!

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