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Workday Success: Da Vinci Schools 

What a day! We planted. We weeded. We painted. We cleaned. We built. We cared.

What a Workday!

Last Saturday, thousands of eager volunteers completed hundreds of project activities at schools and in neighborhoods throughout the Los Angeles South Bay and Harbor areas. As we reflect on and survey the positive imprint of change left on our urban landscape, we are thankful for the spirit of collaboration that exists between us. Thank you!

At Da Vinci Schools in Hawthorne, Oceanside Christian Fellowship rallied volunteers to upgrade and install new features at the school. Watch this interview with Da Vinci's Principal, Steve Wallis, a Da Vinci school student, and a Workday volunteer as they all share how these projects will bring practical enrichment to the lives of students at Da Vinci.

If you did not get a chance to see the difference we made throughout Los Angeles County, take a moment to watch our slideshow.

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